Enlaces de interés
American Association of Endodontists – national organization representing the specialty of endodontics or root canal treatment.
American Association of Women Dentists – dedicated to enhancing and promoting participation and leadership for women in organized dentistry.
Asociación Dental Americana – ADA Online – access to news, publications, and products and services related to dental health.
American Medical Association – another useful site with links to consumer health information, vast AIDS information center, searchable database of more than 650,000 physicians.
MedicinaNet – El sitio comercial rico en contenido incluye grupos interactivos, función de preguntar al médico, diccionario medico, información completa sobre medicamentos, noticias medicas, disease-specific information, and links.
Medscape – Searchable commercial collection of full-text articles from such useful sources as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Medical Matrix – Physician maintained commercial database of annotated health links. Oriented toward medical professionals, but accessible to an educated lay person. A keyword search gets you to a subject index, from which you navigate to the links you want.
WebDental – American based dental database